pdf版本数据集介绍:ESG 数据集-省控地表水水质实时数据
- 数据集名称:省控地表水水质实时数据
- 数据集访问方式:https://data.epmap.org/product/province_water
- 数据起止时间:不同省份公开及收集时间不同,最早2016起到最新
- 更新频度:每天每隔4个小时1次
- 数据量: 每个省份监测站点数量不同,大部分省控地表水发布网站不够稳定,下载历史数据时请关注数据质量。
- 地区覆盖度: 含四川,湖南,广西,福建,浙江,江西,安徽等已公开省控地表水实时数据省份。
- 数据交付时间:T+0
- 数据集数据来源:各个省级生态环境厅网站
- 数据集内容:
- 基础资料:含站点名称,所属省市,经纬度。
- 监测数据:不同省份监测指标不同,一般含有pH,水温,氨氮,溶解氧等,具体参见下载页面数据示例。
- 数据集推荐用途(仅为示例,不限于如下用途):
- 更加精细化的地方河流水库水质分析利用。
- 联系方式:
微信:美丽环境行动者 ESG行动者 排污许可行动者
ESG data set real time data of surface water quality under provincial control
one Name of data set: real time data of surface water quality under provincial control
two Data set access mode: https://data.epmap.org/product/province_ water
Download, API, online Bi analysis.
three Data start and end time: different provinces open and collect different time, the earliest 2016 to the latest
four Update frequency: every 4 hours every day
five Data volume: the number of monitoring stations in each province is different, and most of the provincial surface water publishing websites are not stable enough. Please pay attention to the data quality when downloading historical data.
six Regional coverage: including Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui and other provinces that have published real-time data of provincial controlled surface water.
seven Data delivery time: T + 0
eight Data source: websites of Provincial Department of ecological environment
nine Data set content:
- a) Basic information: including station name, province, longitude and latitude.
- b) Monitoring data: the monitoring indicators of different provinces are different, generally including pH, water temperature, ammonia nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, etc. for details, please refer to the data example on the download page.
ten Recommended use of data set (for example only, not limited to the following uses)
- More refined water quality analysis and utilization of local rivers and reservoirs.
Twelve contact information:
Shanghai Minhang District Qingyue environmental protection information technology service center
Email: esg@epmap.org
website: https://www.epmap.org
Microblog: Shanghai Qingyue environmental protection
Wechat: beautifulchinaactor, esgactor, permitactor
For the information disclosure and Rating Methodology of Shanghai Qingyue ESG, please refer to: https://www.epmap.org/esgmeth