pdf版本完整介绍:ESG 数据集-十四五地表水融合水质数据
- 数据集名称:十四五国家地表水融合水质月度数据
- 数据集访问方式:https://data.epmap.org/product/mergewater
- 数据起止时间:2021-01起到最新
- 更新频度:每月
- 数据量:3646个监测断面左右
- 地区覆盖度: 全国省份
- 数据交付时间:T+0
- 数据集数据来源:生态环境部地表水融合数据发布http://
- 数据集内容:
- 基础资料:含监测断面名称,所属省市,流域,经纬度。
- 水质等级,水温,pH,溶解氧,电导率,浊度,高猛酸盐指数,化学需氧量,五日生化需氧量,氨氮,总磷,总氮,铜,锌,氟化物,硒,砷,汞,镉,六价铬,铅,氰化物,挥发酚,石油类,阴离子表面活性剂,硫化物。
- 数据集推荐用途(仅为示例,不限于如下用途):
- 城发债地方债等涉及水的风险评估。
- 对各地水处理相关企业发展前景评估。
- 对各地各企业所面临气候变化导致的水风险进行评估。
- 数据集使用案例:
- 联系方式:
微信:美丽环境行动者 ESG行动者 排污许可行动者
ESG data set monthly data of surface water fusion quality in the 14th five year plan
one Data set name: monthly data of surface water fusion quality in the 14th five year plan
two Data set access method: https://data.epmap.org/product/mergewater
Download, API, online Bi analysis.
three Data start and end time: 2021-01 to the latest
four Update frequency: Monthly
five Data volume: about 3646 monitoring sections
six Regional coverage: national provinces
seven Data delivery time: T + 0
eight Data set data source: surface water fusion data released by the Ministry of ecological environment
nine Dataset content:
- a) Basic data: including name of monitoring section, province and city, river basin, longitude and latitude.
- b) Water quality grade, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, high fierce acid salt index, chemical oxygen demand, five-day biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, copper, zinc, fluoride, selenium, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, lead, cyanide, volatile phenol, petroleum, anionic surfactant and sulfide.
ten Recommended use of dataset (for example only, not limited to the following purposes):
- a) Urban bonds, local bonds and other risks related to water.
- b) Evaluate the development prospect of local water treatment related enterprises.
- c) Assess the water risk caused by climate change faced by enterprises everywhere.
eleven Dataset use cases:
New online dataset, no case yet.
twelve contact information:
Shanghai Minhang District Qingyue environmental protection information technology service center
Email: esg@epmap.org
website: https://www.epmap.org
Microblog: Shanghai Qingyue environmental protection
Wechat: beautifulchinaactor, esgactor, permitactor
For the information disclosure and Rating Methodology of Shanghai Qingyue ESG, please refer to: https://www.epmap.org/esgmeth