pdf完整版本:ESG 数据集-环保信用
- 数据集名称:环保信用数据
- 数据集访问方式:https://data.epmap.org/product/epcredit
- 数据起止时间:2018-2022
- 更新频度:每天
- 数据量: 不同省份差异较大
- 地区覆盖度: 所有公开了省级环保信用评价结果的省份
- 数据交付时间:T+0
- 数据来源:各级生态环境部门及政府网站
- 数据说明:
- 数据集内容:
- 省份 城市 年份 企业 统一信用代码 评价结果(有的省份是颜色,有的是等级) 评价部门
- 数据集推荐用途(仅为示例,不限于如下用途):
- 对目标上市公司或发债企业进行ESG评级。
- 一级市场股权投资或者二级市场股票债券市场尽调。
- 数据集使用案例:
- 青悦ESG环保信用指数
- 联系方式:
微信:青悦环保 青悦ESG 排污许可行动者
ESG dataset - environmental credit data
one Data set name: environmental credit data
two Data set access method: https://data.epmap.org/product/epcredit
three Data start and end time: 2018-2022
four Update frequency: every day
five Data volume: there are great differences among different provinces
six Regional coverage: all provinces that have published the provincial environmental protection credit evaluation results
seven Data delivery time: T + 0
eight Data source: eco-environmental departments at all levels and government websites
nine Data Description:
The results before the current year are the annual evaluation results.
The results of that year were the daily real-time evaluation of several provinces: Shandong, Jiangsu, Hebei, Zhejiang and Henan
ten Dataset content:
- a) Provincial city year enterprise unified credit code evaluation results (some provinces are color, some are grade) evaluation department
eleven Recommended use of data set (for example only, not limited to the following purposes):
- a) ESG rating of target listed companies or bond issuing enterprises.
- b) The equity investment in the primary market or the stock and bond market in the secondary market shall be adjusted as much as possible.
twelve Dataset use cases:
- a) Qingyue ESG environmental protection credit index
thirteen contact information:
Shanghai Minhang District Qingyue environmental protection information technology service center
Email: esg@epmap.org
website: https://www.epmap.org
Microblog: Shanghai Qingyue environmental protection
Wechat: Qingyue environmental protection Qingyue ESG pollutant discharge permit
For the information disclosure and Rating Methodology of Shanghai Qingyue ESG, see: https://www.epmap.org/esgmeth