pdf版本介绍:ESG 数据集-排污许可与实际排污量数据
- 数据集名称:排污许可与实际排污量数据
- 数据集访问方式:https://data.epmap.org/product/permit
- 数据起止时间:2018-01起到最新
- 更新频度:每月
- 数据量:排污许可证企业34万+,排污登记260万+.
- 地区覆盖度: 全国省份
- 数据交付时间:T+0
- 数据来源:生态环境部排污许可证管理信息平台(http://permit.mee.gov.cn )
- 数据集内容:
- 基础资料:含企业名称,所属省市,经纬度等。
- 排污许可数据:含大气,水等排放限值与总量等许可信息及发证历史,排放污染物种类,自行监测要求,信息公开要求等。
- 实际排污量数据:从年度,季度,月度执行报告中解析出的各个企业的实际排污量数据。
- 排污许可证随时间注销,撤销情况。
- 排污许可限期整改情况。
- 数据集推荐用途(仅为示例,不限于如下用途):
- 分行业,地区,污染物种类等分析企业许可排污量及变化情况。
- 分行业,地区,污染物种类等分析企业实际排放量及减污情况。
- 数据集使用案例:
- 清华大学国情研究院 基于高维统计推断的污染排放长时序预测
- 华中农业大学 污染场地时空分布与风险预测研究
- 中国海洋大学 海洋生态经济系统多主体协同治理研究:行为取向、动态博弈与策略方针(71904181)
- 中国社会科学院数量经济及技术经济所 煤改电对能源结构的影响
- 联系方式:
微信:美丽环境行动者 ESG行动者 排污许可行动者
ESG data set - emission permits and actual emissions data
one Data set name: emission permit and actual discharge data
two Data set access mode: https://datanew.epmap.org/product/permit
Download, API, online Bi analysis.
three Data start and end time: from January 2018 to the latest
four Update frequency: Monthly
five Data volume: 340000 +, emission registration 2.6 million +
six Regional coverage: provinces in China
seven Data delivery time: T + 0
eight Data source: information platform for emission permit management of Ministry of ecological environment( http://permit.mee.gov.cn )
nine Data set content:
- a) Basic data: including the name of the enterprise, the province and the province, longitude and latitude, etc.
- b) Emission license data: including the license information and license history, emission pollutant types, self monitoring requirements, information disclosure requirements, etc. including emission limits and total amount of air and water.
- c) Actual emission data: the actual emission data of each enterprise analyzed from the annual, quarterly and monthly implementation reports.
ten Recommended use of data set (for example only, not limited to the following uses)
- a) Analyze the permitted emission and change of enterprises by industry, region, pollutant type, etc.
- b) Analyze the actual emission and pollution reduction of enterprises by industry, region, pollutant type, etc.
eleven Data set use case:
- a) National Conditions Research Institute of Tsinghua University Long time series prediction of pollution emission based on high dimensional statistical inference
- b) Huazhong Agricultural University Study on the spatial and temporal distribution and risk prediction of polluted sites
- c) Ocean University of China Research on Multi-agent Cooperative Governance of marine eco-economic system: behavioral orientation, dynamic game and strategic policy (71904181)
- d) Institute of quantitative economy and technology and economy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences The influence of coal to electricity on energy structure
twelve contact information:
Shanghai Minhang District Qingyue environmental protection information technology service center
Email: esg@epmap.org
website: https://www.epmap.org
Microblog: Shanghai Qingyue environmental protection
Wechat: beautifulchinaactor, esgactor, permitactor
For the information disclosure and Rating Methodology of Shanghai Qingyue ESG, please refer to: https://www.epmap.org/esgmeth