pdf版本完整说明:ESG 数据集-省控空气质量实时数据
- 数据集名称:省控空气质量预报实时数据
- 数据集访问方式:https://data.epmap.org/product/province_air
- 数据起止时间:不同省份不同,最早2013-01到最新
- 更新频度:每小时
- 数据量:历史累积共计4367个站点
- 地区覆盖度: 所有省份,除不发布省控质量的省份外,
- 数据交付时间:T+0
- 数据来源:各个省级生态环境厅
- 数据说明:
- 数据集内容:
- 基础资料:含监测点位名称,所属省市,经纬度。
- 监测值:AQI及六项污染物具体浓度值。分为站点时报,站点日报,城市时报,城市日报。
- 数据集推荐用途(仅为示例,不限于如下用途):
- 对各地涉及环境保护的城投债及相关环境治理企业业绩等进行分析预测。
- 对相关地区,行业生态环境保护投资趋势等进行分析。
- 对空气质量与健康,城市规划,交通等关系进行分析。
- 联系方式:
微信:美丽环境行动者 ESG行动者 排污许可行动者
ESG dataset - real time data of provincial control air quality
one Data set name: real time and historical data of national state controlled air quality forecast
two Data set access method: https://datanew.epmap.org/product/province_ air
Download, API, online Bi analysis.
three Data start and end time: from January 2013 to the latest
four Update frequency: per hour
five Data volume: 4367 sites in total in history
six Regional coverage: all provinces, except those that do not release provincial control quality,
seven Data delivery time: T + 0
eight Provincial Environmental Department: data sources
nine Data Description:
Many provincial air quality release systems are newly built and have insufficient stability. Check the data quality statistics before downloading. Site times are basically available. Many provinces do not publish site daily reports, city daily reports, etc.
ten Dataset content:
- a) Basic data: including the name of monitoring points, provinces and cities, longitude and latitude.
- b) Monitoring value: AQI and specific concentration values of six pollutants. It is divided into site times, site daily, city times and city daily.
eleven Recommended use of dataset (for example only, not limited to the following purposes):
- a) Analyze and predict the performance of urban investment bonds and related environmental governance enterprises involved in environmental protection.
- b) Analyze the investment trend of ecological environment protection in relevant regions and industries.
- c) Analyze the relationship between air quality and health, urban planning, transportation, etc.
Twelve: contact information:
Shanghai Minhang District Qingyue environmental protection information technology service center
Email: esg@epmap.org
website: https://www.epmap.org
Microblog: Shanghai Qingyue environmental protection
Wechat: beautifulchinaactor, esgactor, permitactor
For the information disclosure and Rating Methodology of Shanghai Qingyue ESG, please refer to: https://www.epmap.org/esgmeth